Globeway Vocational

About Us

Dharmajeewa Priyantha Panduwalawa Kankanamalage
Globe Way Vocational Training Center
Don Tiron Nishantha Wijayamanna
Hospitality Management Instructor,
Globe Way Vocational Training Center
Dear Students,

I am delighted to welcome you to Globe Way Vocational Training Center, where we are committed to providing you with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in your career.
Our training programs are designed to help you develop the practical skills and experience you need to succeed in today's competitive job market. Whether you are looking to start a new career, enhance your existing skills, or prepare for a job abroad, we have a program that can help you achieve your goals.
At Globe Way Vocational Training Center, we are proud of our experienced instructors, who are experts in their respective fields and who are committed to helping you succeed. Our training programs use a combination of theory and practical experience to ensure that you have the skills and confidence you need to excel in your career.
We are also committed to providing you with affordable training options and financial aid, so that you can focus on your education without worrying about the cost.
I encourage you to take advantage of the opportunities available to you at Globe Way Vocational Training Center. Our team is here to support you every step of the way, and we look forward to helping you achieve your goals.


Dharmajeewa Priyantha Panduwalawa Kankanamalage
Director, Globe Way Vocational Training Center

Thanveer Ahmed
HGV Driving Trainer & Instructor,
Globe Way Vocational Training Center
Maneshi Manchanayake
English Lanuage and Training Instructor,
Globe Way Vocational Training Center
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